I have designed a super simple transceiver. It only has a few parts.
The aim of the project is for me to be able to communicate several hundred kilometers away.

Here I have drawn a preliminary schematic.
I have placed all the main components on it.

I assemble everything in a small tin box.
Here we see my self-designed oscillator,
Rx/Tx relay and the antenna tuner.
The antenna tuner can be replaced for the 80, 60 and 40 meter band.

Here we see the finished transceiver.
At the bottom right we see the receiver.
At the top in the middle, we see the transmitter.
At the top right is the antenna tuner.
On the left we have my SI5153 oscillator.

Here we see the complete radio station. Battery is used for power.

Click here to get the program.
I use an Arduino Pro-Mini and an SI5351.
In the program you can see how it is connected.

Here we see all the components.
The oscillator is in use on both the receiver and the transmitter. It changes the frequency 600 Hz when in Rx mode. Then you will hear the tone of the station you are communicating with. A relay sends the oscillator's signal either to Rx or Tx. The transmitter consists of two transistors that deliver their signal to the antenna tuner. The receiver receives its signal from the antenna tuner. It uses a mixer whose output has the audio signal which is a mix product between the oscillator and the antenna signal. The output of the mixer is connected to an amplifier with a gain of 2000. This then goes on to a CW filter. The antenna tuner filters the signal and delivers a 50 ohm signal.